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Theo Tigno
3/22/2009 9:40 pm

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Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent
John 4:43-54

At that time Jesus left [Samaria] for Galilee. For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his native place. When he came into Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, since they had seen all he had done in Jerusalem at the feast; for they themselves had gone to the feast.

Then he returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. Now there was a royal official whose son was ill in Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son, who was near death. Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe." The royal official said to him, "Sir, come down before my child dies." Jesus said to him, "You may go; your son will live." The man believed what Jesus said to him and left. While the man was on his way back, his slaves met him and told him that his boy would live. He asked them when he began to recover. They told him, "The fever left him yesterday, about one in the afternoon." The father realized that just at that time Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live," and he and his whole household came to believe. Now this was the second sign Jesus did when he came to Galilee from Judea.

Dawg's thought:

Today's prayer intention is for an end to the use of contraception.

There are those people in your life who, every time you're around them, you are on your best behavior. Somehow, they are a "sign" that you have been seeking. They are the sign that reminds you of God's faithfulness to your life. They are a sign that helps you believe, or at least reminds you, that God is not only living, but He is also working in your life.

It's a great reminder that I can live a life that points to God, which is hard with all the bad news. It seems that everywhere, people are talking about the economic recession and pointing to who is to blame. Throughout the day, I'm often occupied with pointing to someone who may not be acting virtuously, even if it is just in my mind.

Still, what I struggle with the most is pointing to myself ... "Look at what I have done" ... "Look at how you have hurt me" ... and that's even with Our Lord Himself.

Lord, remove my desire to seek a sign from You to affirm my faith.
Rather, replace that desire with a desire
to be a sign that points to You.

Take care and God Bless.

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