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Theo Tigno
2/23/2009 9:50 pm

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Tuesday, February 24th 2009
Mark 9:30-37

Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about it. He was teaching his disciples and telling them, "The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise." But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to question him.

They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house, he began to ask them, "What were you arguing about on the way?" But they remained silent. For they had been discussing among themselves on the way who was the greatest. Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all." Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me."

Dawg's thought:

Today's prayer intention is for Maggie's Place as they move forward with rebuilding their home.

"What do you do?"

How would you answer that question? Most people I know would respond with what they do for work. If it something that they are proud of, often times they will proclaim it as a badge of pride. If it is something that may not be seen as "prestigious" in the eyes of some, they would probably still identify the most with what job they do.

You probably won't hear the response "I serve The Lord" too often. I know that for myself, I'm often too wrapped up in what I do to earn money. I am too wrapped up in the gift The Lord gave me (which He could easily take away) that I forget about the calling He has for me beyond this life.

"What do I do?" At this moment, I am a servant of The Lord, and pray that beyond this moment, I never forget who I am. Take care and God Bless.

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